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Getting started with Heja
Set your team up for success
What is Heja?
Heja's main features
What's a team code?
Is Heja only for coaches?
Inviting members to your team
What is Heja Plus?
Adding another parent/guardian
How do I send a Direct Message?
I'm a Grandparent and want to connect to my grandchild
How do I add an event?
How does Heja handle my data?
Push notification troubleshooting
Does Heja sell my data?
Security of paying fees within Heja
Why does Heja need to know my information to make payouts?
Setting Up Your Heja Account: Connecting to your Child & Team
Payments in Heja: What are Team Types?
Ads on Heja
Updating Heja to the latest version
How can I access Heja on desktop or laptop?
What is the difference between Heja Plus, Team Pro & Team Pro Max?